I bought the book. Loving it so far! |
Sometime in the spring, a sweet friend of mine asked me and another friend if we would be interested in going with her to Wichita, Kansas in September to a Beth Moore Conference, and being a huge fan of Beth Moore's bible studies, I immediately said yes; however, months later when the time arrived, and I found myself exhausted from a week of teaching school and chasing kids and just life in general, I have to admit, I teetered on the edge of backing out and spending the weekend at home. I'm SO glad I didn't.
The conference was a full day event on Saturday, so we drove up Friday night and stayed in a hotel. I had originally planned to bunk with my friends, but after a week of waking up to my husband glaring at me with a pillow held menacingly near my face due to a bad case of allergy induced snoring, I decided to maintain my friendships and obtain my own room. I enjoyed a fabulous night's rest with no fear of being murdered in my sleep, and woke up refreshed and ready to get into God's Word.
We arrived at the downtown arena and with a wave of other women, and found our way to our seats. Now let me just say, if you have never attended a large conference of Christian women, you really absolutely MUST sometime before you die. (Unless of course you are a man, and then you really might feel a little bit out of place, so I recommend you attend a large men's conference. Although having never been to one, I'm really not sure what that's like, so you need to attend one and report back to me, Mr. President. (Which for those of you who are not familiar is an FFA Opening Ceremonies reference, and it's suddenly becoming apparent that perhaps I should not be writing this at 12:53 am as I seem to be falling a bit away from my original topic.)) ANYWAY, there is just nothing quite like thousands of like minded women meeting in one place to worship and learn about Jesus. Yes it is crowded, but there is so much kindness, so much love. Yes it is long, but you find yourself just wanting more.
Schedule: Full and Fabulous! |
The musical worship alone would be enough to justify the drive. I can hardly describe the connection with Christ that I encountered there in the midst of all those women as we sang praises to the Lord. I think that being one of so many somehow allows you to be even more yourself and alone with God. The songs were old and new, joyous and solemn, fast and slow, touching and heartfelt. There was something for everyone and everything for me. I laughed and cried and praised with all that I had and felt God pour blessing after blessing upon me as I gave my all simply to pour my love out to Him.
I thought that it couldn't get any better and then my best friend Beth came out on the stage. (Now, just to clarify, we've never actually met, but she's lead me in so many biblical discoveries and personal reflections and repentances throughout the years, that I've been calling her my best friend for years, and whenever I consider that question about if you could spend one day with anyone in the world who would it be, I'm pretty sure it would be Beth....we're that close.) Anyway, friends, if you've never done any of her bible studies or read any of her books, I highly recommend you do so. Here is a woman who has given her absolute all to Jesus, and because of her faith and obedience and LOVE of Christ, He has blessed her with the ability to abundantly bless the world. And what a blessing she brought to us in Wichita!
The theme of the conference was Audacious, and Beth spent the day (broken into 3 sessions) teaching us about what it means to live audaciously for Jesus. She reminded us that these crazy times we live in are not the days for wimps, but that we must live with audacity, and have the guts to give God the glory! We are called to be MIGHTY women of God and it is time to Wake Up! In a world where fear is bound to go viral and manifest itself in a variety of ways, including violence, anger, insecurities, and doubt, we Christians must show ourselves to be different with courage, calmness, love, and peace in order to bring those in need of our Savior to the Jesus who loves them. She challenged us with these 6 Mighty Makers:
1. Have the audacity to make an unseen Savior the supreme romance of your life.
2. Have the audacity to live in the tension that comes with loving in TRUTH.
3. Have the audacity to pray for astonishing works of the Holy Spirit.
4. Have the audacity to forgive and live forgiven.
5. Have the audacity to hold tight with all your might to Romans 8:18. (Look it up!)
6. Have the audacity to walk in humility.
By the time the conference was over, I was wrung out, filled up, renewed, and revived. I had been touched by the Lord and once again ready to face the world with God on my side. In a world that seems so scary sometimes, I can find true joy because I know that I was made for such a time and place as this and that I was not made to live in a spirit of fear. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to experience once again the teachings of Beth Moore, and I'm so thankful that she doesn't sugar-coat or back down from touchy topics but challenges me to be who God created me to be and to truly KNOW the one I worship.
What a trip! I'm so thankful for the invitation from my friend and that God didn't let me back out when I wanted to. This is definitely one Steeple Chase I will forever be blessed by.
Couldn't resist sharing: This is what happens when an arena fills with women. The unused men's restrooms get converted. LOL! |
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