1. Pick a place to worship.
It helps if perhaps you've even made that decision the night before and have a few plans in place to help your morning go more smoothly. Waking up Sunday morning and changing your mind 3 times before you even start getting your kids ready is really just not conducive to actually making it to any worship service.
2. Find out how many miles you'll need to travel and what time the service begins.
If for instance, you decide on a church and head that way only to discover that it actually takes an hour to get there and you've only allowed yourself 35 minutes, it's possible that you may find yourself in another town altogether driving the streets and searching for a church to attend only to find churches with no signs or websites telling when they begin or that you happen to drive up to each and every church about 15 minutes after the starting time, and really, no one wants to enter a church for the first time 15 minutes late.
3. Feed your family first.
If everyone is hungry as you drive around searching for a random church to attend, you're likely to find whining at a maximum and tempers flaring to the less than loving level. Then when you do discover a church that doesn't start for another 15 minutes, you're husband might insist that you run to a quick stop to get some food, and then the first one you stop at might not have a deli and he might insist that you go to another and by the time he's happy with a meat pie in his hand, you might find that you are now late for yet another church.
4. Realize that Car Church is still Church.
When you finally come to the realization that your lack of planning has left you without a church family to worship with, remember that your immediate family is also your church family, and prayer, praise, and the pursuit of biblical knowledge can all be completed right there in the car together. Take some time to drive slowly along a new route and thank God for his amazing creations. Take turns choosing songs and sing to God with the enthusiasm of children. Read bible stories and favorite verses and talk about God's word with one another. Forgive one another the failings from before, and stop Chasing Steeples and simply create your own church...wherever you may be.
5. Try, try again.
If you don't make it to an actual church one Sunday, for whatever reason, don't use that as an excuse not to attend church the next week. God's plan for each of us includes providing a church family to lean on, worship with, learn with, and live life together with. If at first you don't succeed, well....you know the saying, and so do we, so we'll just keep Chasing those Steeples and meet you back here next Sunday with a different kind of experience all together.
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