Monday, August 3, 2015

A Forever Faith: Jenks FBC

    Sometimes you walk into a church and you can just feel it's life-blood pumping. Excitement crackles in the air, people greet one another in love, and all around is a true feeling of holy encouragement.  This is how it felt as we entered First Baptist Church Jenks.

     We arrived in time for the second service of the day, but instead of encountering a mass exodus, we were surprised to find more of a fruit basket upset environment as those who attended the early service made their way to service positions throughout the church. Many were rushing to the nursery and children's areas or to greet those of us entering for the second service. The sidewalk out front was completely empty, but the foyer within was a bustling metropolis. We were greeted by a friendly gentleman at the door who handed us a large tri-fold "worship guide" and directed us to the children's check in area up-stairs.

     We were surprised that despite the organized chaos taking place, our friends in the church located us very quickly after our arrival. First, my sweet friend, Mandy, who shares my hometown and alma mater, made it a point to find us in the children's area and show us around. She explained that due to the large number of young families in the church, they are busting out of their children's department and in the process of adding on. The hallway was certainly busy and crowded, but the delight and excitement of the kids was a tangible thing, and my two youngest got caught right up in the fever.


     Our six year old was shown to a smaller classroom setting for Kindergarteners (of which there were at least three), and was quickly welcomed into the group and engaged in play time and preparation for a lesson.  Our middle daughter found her long lost friends waiting in the hallway to enter the children's sanctuary (I'm not sure that's what they called it, but that's what I'm calling it.) and with squeals and hugs joined them in line.

    Once the younger girls were in their correct spots, Mandy escorted us to the sanctuary, and we took our places near the front and center with moments to spare. The praise band did a combo of contemporary and traditional and the music was fantastic. We soon discovered that First Baptist Jenks is celebrating their 100th year of service, and in honor of that amazing achievement, we were blessed to be attending when guest speaker, Dr. Anthony Jordan was providing the sermon. Wow! A more timely and passionate message I'm not sure I've ever heard. Wow! Such a message of perseverance and encouragement to continue in the Word and in teaching of the Truth in a world that appears to have turned topsy-turvy. I mean, Wow! We left feeling renewed and purposeful and determined to be who God would have us to be. It was exactly the message we needed at exactly the time we needed it. Praise God for His magnificent ways!

 The service ended, we gathered our children, and met up with friends for lunch, but I spent much of the ride home reading through the Worship Guide which displays just how alive this church truly is. The number of opportunities available to the congregation just within one weeks time was astonishing, and I can hardly imagine the amount of volunteer help it requires to accomplish all they do in service for the Lord. So many opportunities to connect with other members of the church, to learn more about God's Word, to be a servant to others, to spread the love of God. FBC Jenks is certainly a church with a vital presence and a faith-filled future, and we feel so grateful God led us to journey here on our Steeple Chase this year.

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