Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Church at the Crossroads: Kingfisher UMC


    I remember sitting in the backseat of my parent's vehicle on the way home from a trip to the city, starting out the window as we turned the corner towards home, and seeing this church. Giant and ancient with incredible stained glass windows, it was far different from our little country church, and I truly can't remember a time when I didn't dream of worshiping there. In fact, it was this very church that I was driving by in December, and once again thinking of how I wanted to go inside, when God began to place in me this desire to Steeple Chase this year. It was a few weeks later when the plan fully developed within me, but it was the Kingfisher United Methodist Church that first sparked the flame.

    So to say I was excited about visiting on July 12th would be something of an understatement.

     According to the website, worship starts at 9:55, so we got there in plenty of time to look around a little and take some pictures. The parking lot is located behind the church with an obvious entrance there, but wanting to get the girls' weekly sign picture and use the original entrance, we decided to walk around to the front. Unfortunately, after walking up the numerous stairs to the front doors, we discovered that we would have been smarter to use the more obviously used modern entrances as the old double doors were locked and we later found that the original entrance has been converted to a storage area. We walked backed down the stairs, took the side door at the bottom of the stairs, and entered into an empty foyer which provided both elevator and stair access to the sanctuary.  As we stood there debating where to go, an elderly woman and a young lady walked down the hallway, greeted us warmly, and the youth member offered to show us around. We excitedly followed her down the hallway as she pointed out parts of the church.

        The building dates back to 1917 and has some of the most beautiful windows I've ever seen. It's two stories tall with an exposed basement and an addition which houses the church offices and Sunday School rooms. The hallways and rooms in the educational wing are painted with the most incredible murals that we were told were done by a college student. We discovered that we had arrived the day the youth group had left for their mission trip, so many of the classrooms were empty and we were able to peek them. My girls absolutely loved the paintings!

     Still having plenty of time before worship (which we found out doesn't actually begin until 10:05), we followed our guide to a morning fellowship area located inside the back door (which we should have taken in the first place) where coffee and snacks were provided and friendly members greeted us and one another.  Our girls, who always seem to be hungry, really enjoyed plates of fruit and cookie bars and the sweet ladies who were serving helped make us feel right at home.

     As worship time grew closer, more and more of the congregation began to enter (including some dear friends who we had invited to join us at the last minute and were thrilled to get to worship with), and we all threaded our way down the hallway to the historic sanctuary. The gorgeous round sanctuary is located on the upper floor of the building so both the stairs and the elevator are put to good use.

     Some of the members told us that the congregation is in the process of raising funds to build a new sanctuary that doesn't require an elevator with expensive maintenance fees and outdated electrical wiring, which I can completely understand, but in all honesty it breaks my heart to think of replacing this amazing building where faithful followers have worshiped for nearly a hundred years. The woodwork, and the pipe organ, and the brass-railed balcony, and the windows....oh, be still my little history-loving heart. I'm pretty sure I will cry big buffalo tears when I drive by and find it all modern and updated and yes, probably more user-friendly.

     We took our seats (which of course ended up being someone else's seats, but they were kind enough to give them over with a smile), and the service began. Due to the mission trip, the regular pastor and youth pastor were gone, so guest speaker, Reverend Dane Lemmons lead the service which was a mix of the traditional and modern. A praise band lead us in both hymns and modern worship songs and the Chancel Choir shared special music. We joined together for the Affirmation of Faith, Lord's Prayer, and giving of our tithes and offerings, and listened attentively (except for my youngest, who drew pictures and played on my phone) to the sermon entitled "Sheep and Goats."  We were inspired to reach out to the "least of these" and blessed with this opportunity to worship God in  this beautiful sanctuary with this faithful body of believers. I am so grateful that God lead us on this Steeple Chase this year and that I finally to the opportunity to visit this historic church. It was truly a blessing and morning to be cherished.


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