Thursday, October 15, 2015

Willow View UMC- Enid, OK

       On September 27th, we loaded up the family vehicle and headed back to Enid to visit Willow View United Methodist Church. We picked up our bonus daughter, who is 20 and lives in Enid, and arrived in time for the 11:00 service which is known as Oasis. According to the church's excellently informational website, the early service at 9:00 is known as the Blend and is a bit more traditional than the later service. We decided to check out the praise band and more "high-energy" experience because.....well, because we live 45 minutes away and didn't want to get up early enough to be there by 9:00. (Sorry if you were hoping for some deeper, more spiritual reason.)

     This beautiful church is located on the north end of Enid in what appears to the casual observer as a rather affluent part of the city. The building is fairly knew, the sanctuary having been completed in 2004, but the church body itself is more than 110 years old and has a long and interesting history. According to their website, the congregation began in 1902 with 30 members who met in the Garfield County Court Room as charter members of The Enid United Brethren Church. Through the years, they continued to meet together as a church family to worship, learn, serve, and love, even as they underwent denomination changes, new church homes, and even devastating fires. And the gorgeous church building and wonderful welcome we walked into Sunday speaks of a church who will continue to serve Christ for generations to come. (For more information on the history of this congregation, go to

This double-sided fireplace made for a very cozy entry.
      The pastor of this fellowship is Reverend Lesley Broadbent who grew up just down the road from both my husband and I  in the small Dewey County town of Leedey, Oklahoma. His church members say he often references his years growing up and playing ball as a Leedey Bison in his sermons.  He made no such references on this particular Sunday; however, his message was very interesting and enlightening. He speaks in a conversational teaching manner that is very engaging, and even my children were tuned in and able to discuss the message on the drive home. We were all especially intrigued by the extensiveness of the Jewish laws and how caught up in following them to the letter the Pharisees were.

I think perhaps we were a surprise!

     The service started with worship music lead by a talented praise band which helped sooth away the worries of the world and help me focus on giving glory to God. I loved how the service was divided up among a variety of congregation members who took part by praying, reading scripture, doing the children's message, etc. It's always good to see a congregation willing to serve, and a church willing to allow them to take part. We were so fortunate to be there on a very special Sunday and witness the baptism/dedication of a sweet baby girl named Eliana. This was especially enjoyable to our youngest whose middle name is also Ellyana, just with a different spelling. In addition, there were several new members joining the church that morning, and it was such a joy to be there as the congregation welcomed them into their family.

The kids loved the Frozen reference during the kid's message.

     While the church has been in existence for a number of years, and Pastor Broadbent has been in ministry there for the past eleven, the church has the feeling of one that is young and up and coming. The majority of those worshiping at the Oasis service appeared to be young couples, many with children. They have wonderful challenges like outgrowing their children's Sunday School space and the need for plenty of volunteers for the variety of ministries taking place. There are several Sunday School opportunities provided for people of all ages, mid-week activities, and several ministry and service opportunities in the church as well as the community. The people were welcoming and made us feel right at home, and I'm sure if you have the desire to Steeple Chase at Willow View one Sunday or make this lovely congregation your permanent church family, they'll welcome you with open arms as well.

    Our God is so good, and He loves His church so much. May we strive to love Him and his Bride just as beautifully in return!


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